a Tortilla pizza - one of the feature recipes in the OneTouch Gold brochure designed by design hq inc.

Textbook DRM achieves stellar conversion rates!

a customer relationship management brochure designed by design hq inc to promote the customer loyalty rewards program for OneTouch Gold users

Well, talk about acronyms! The objective of this direct response marketing (DRM) piece was CRM — customer relationship management. Johnson & Johnson wanted a DRM piece that would entice diabetics or people that cared about them to join OneTouch Gold — their loyalty program— regardless of whether they use OneTouch blood glucose meters.

The offer: "FREE Membership plus your chance to WIN!"

The call to action: "It's as easy as 1-2-3 to get your FREE OneTouch Gold Membership.

  1. GO TO www.GoldRegistration.com
  2. FILL OUT the Member Profile and create your own easy-to-remember member ID and Password.
  3. CHOOSE the FREE magazine subscription you'd like to WIN.

It's that simple to get diabetes tools, information and special offers all in one place. Join OneTouch Gold today!"

This piece listed the benefits of joining and started you off with the perforated recipe card for a Tortilla Pizza Melt — shown on the cover to counter-point the meager portion of raw vegetables — a great visual of one of the immediate benefits of joining.

Once people are registered members, their exposure to information and offers with real value bumps them into a prospect group with a stellar conversion rate compared to unqualified prospects.