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Calculator wheels compare reductions in environmental impacts

Environmental benefit calculator wheels designed by design hq inc. for earth cycle produce trays and hemp textile garments

left quote

I am so impressed with this piece, I think we should have it on the "marketing resources" page. I was proud to include it in the package to Logotex yesterday. Scott felt pretty good about it too. Thanks again. The stuff looks great.right quote

Jerry Kroll, CEO, Hemptown Clothing

To design a tool that calculates the environmental benefits of a specific product compared to an industry standard.

Hand-held calculator wheels. One of these wheels calculates the reduction in environmental impacts of hemp garments compared to conventionally grown cotton (arguably the most environmentally damaging crop in the world). The other calculates the reduction in landfill for compostable produce trays compared to conventional PET plastic produce trays.

The reverse side of these calculators drives the point home with comprehensible statistics that help get your head around the cumulative total impacts your purchasing decisions have on the environment.

Earthcycle PDF (300 kB) | Hemptown PDF (230 kB)